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About us
Lucky is our little cat mascot. As we feel very lucky to work on games most of our time. At Rolling Rhino Games we create board games that can be printed and played at home. Our games can always be printed in full sheets, so no cutting or crafting is needed. These games offer an experience you would usually find in a bigger box. We want to make our games affordable and accessible to everyone with a low environemental impact. Our diverse and talented team strives to bring joy and excitement to all tables!
Our Team

Lead Designer
As a teacher Martin learned how people learn, what engages them and how to create entertainment.

Marketing & Web Design
Pieter is travelling all over the world and working on creative projects in the meantime.

Social Media & Photography
As a professional photographer Lizette developed marketing skills and showed to really shine in social media engagement.


Submit your game
Submission criteria:
Well-tested gameplay, its okay if this is still a prototype.
But it should be functional and enjoyable.
Print & Play, the game should be suitable for printing at home and requires a few dice, cards or tokens besides paper.
Short & Simple, we aim at 30 min. playtime with a maximum of one hour. The rules should be below 3000 words.
Unique, there are many roll & write games out there. Tell us what the hook is and what makes your game unique.
Send us an e-mail at rollingrhinogames@gmail.com
Contact us
Reach out to us and we will get back to you shortly.